Bol. Soc. Geol. Mexicana Tomo XLVIII No. 1. 1987

Actividad hidrotermal submarina y su importancia en la génesis de sulfuros minerales

Arturo Carranza-Edwards*, J. Eduardo Aguayo-Camargo*, Leticia Rosales-Hoz*

*Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y limnologia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, D.F., 04510, México.


The importance of the generation of sulfide minerals as pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphaelerite and wurzite by the emanation centers in the East Pacific Rise at 21 N was analysed.

The similarities among the mineral sulfide from the East Pacific Rise and Chipre's ophiolitic sequence were compared.

Metallogenetic analogies are observed between oceanic spreading centers and continental areas with rift processes like the Transmexican Volcanic Belt.

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