Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana

Volumen 76, núm. 2, A220324, 2024



La producción de cerámica después del proceso de abandono de Monte Albán, Oaxaca: el caso del sector Atzompa


Ceramic production after the process of abandonment of Monte Albán, Oaxaca: the case of the Atzompa sector


Miguel A. Cervantes-Solano1,*Nelly M. Robles García2, Rubén Cejudo1Avto Goguitchaichvili1,

Yazmín Janeth Martínez Martínez2Miguel Ángel Galván Benítez2Juan Morales1


Servicio Arqueomagnético Nacional, Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Unidad Michoacán, Campus Morelia, México.

Centro INAH Oaxaca, México.

* Autor para correspondencia: (M.A. Cervantes-Solano) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Cómo citar este artículo:

Cervantes-Solano, M.A., Robles-García, N.M., Cejudo, R., Goguitchaichvili, A., Martínez, Y.J., Galván, M.A., Morales, J., 2024, La producción de cerámica después del proceso de abandono de Monte Albán, Oaxaca: el caso del sector Atzompa: Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 74 (2), A220324.

Manuscrito recibido: 28 de Octubre de 2023; manuscrito corregido: 10 de Marzo de 2024; manuscrito aceptado: 21 de Marzo de 2024.



During the 2010 field season, as a part of the Atzompa Monumental Complex Archaeological Project, a well-preserved kiln destinated for pottery production was discovered within the area known as House of Altars. In 2019, another kiln with similar characteristics was found in the vicinity of Casa de Sur. These ovens have very similar general characteristics and dimensions compared to those of the ethnographic Atzompa tradition, and according to the archaeological context, it is believed that they were used during the last stage of site to produce large gray ceramic pots. As in situ combustion structures, the kilns meet the conditions to be studied by means of archaeomagnetism. In this study, the results of an archaeomagnetic survey carried out on kiln located in the Casa del Sur of the Atzompa archaeological site is reported. The estimated age interval places the time of the last use of the oven at a temporality relatively than commonly accepted as the age of abandonment of Monte Albán and its monumental complexes. This new result reinforces the still little explored hypothesis that the inhabitants of Atzompa would have returned to the site to carry out ritual burnings reusing the old kiln or that alternatively, they returned to the place after the apparent collapse to make use of the infrastructure to manufacture ceramics for commercial purposes.

Keywords: Atzompa, Oaxaca, Monte Albán, ceramic kiln, archaeomagnetism, Mesoamerica.