Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana

Volumen 74, núm. 1, A010721, 2022


Estudio arqueomagnético del piso quemado en La Palma, valle de Cuzalapa, Sierra de Manantlán (Jalisco)

Archeomagnetic study of  burnt floor at La Palma, Cuzalapa valley, Sierra de Manantlán (Jalisco)


Chloé Marie Pomedio1,*, Verónica López2, Avto Goguitchaichvili2, Rubén Cejudo2, Juan Morales2, Ana María Soler-Arechalde2, Miguel Cervantes-Solano2, Rafael García2


1 Departamento de Estudios Mesoamericanos y Mexicanos, División de Estudios de la Cultura, Universidad de Guadalajara, México.

Servicio Arqueomagnético Nacional, Instituto de Geofísica, Campus Morelia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México.

* Autor para correspondencia: (C. Pomedio) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

How to cite this article:

Pomedio, C.M., López, V., Goguitchaichvili, A., Cejudo, R., Morales, J., Soler-Arechalde, A.M., Cervantes-Solano, M., García, R., 2022, Estudio arqueomagnético del piso quemado en La Palma, Valle de Cuzalapa, Sierra de Manantlán (Jalisco): Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 74 (1), A010721.





The first explorations carried out by the Archaeology of the Sierra de Manantlán Project, in the Cuzalapa valley (south of Jalisco), show unambiguous evidence for the pre-Hispanic occupation of this still archeologically unknown region. The discovery of several architectural sites and rock-graphic manifestations raises the question of the absolute chronology of these remains. Under unfavorable fieldwork conditions and in absence of associated charcoal and other diagnostic artifacts, archaeomagnetic investigation of a well-preserved burned floor at la Palma site may largely contribute to the absolute chronology. The present work is part of the frontier investigations between archeology and geophysics (paleomagnetism and archeomagnetism), to archaeomagnetically date a burned floor from la Palma site. This may also allow to tentatively locate the occupation of the Cuzalapa valley in the Early Postclassic period (900-1200 d.C.) and to outline a first interpretation of the possible cultural dynamics in the extra-regional context of the development of the Aztatlán network..

Keywords: applied geophysics, archaeomagnetism, archaeology, Manantlán Mountains, Cuzalapa, Early Postclassic.