Bol. Soc. Geol., Mexicana XXXV: 38-40, 1974.

Acerca del Limite Aptense Albense en México

J. F. Longoria1

1Instituto de Geología, UNAM.


The Aptian/Albian boundary based on planktonic foraminifera is confinned using the criteria previously defined by the present author (1974). It is suggested that the Aptian/Albian boundary based on tintinnids as given by Trejo (1975) should be revised. Its use in chronoestratigraphy can misslead the correlation and age determination of Lower Cretaceous strata. The cronoestratigraphic subdivisión of the Albian and Aptian used by Trejo needs more accurate documentation since he did not give any evidence that justify such suhdivision. On the other hand, the chronoestratigraphic scheme used by Trejo needs to be integrated to previous chronoestratigraphic schemes defined on ammonites and foraminifera.