Bol. Soc. Geol. Mexicana XXXVII(1): 18-24 junio 1976
Tres Especies de Equinoides (Echinodermata -Echinoidea) del Cretácico Superior de Atenango del Río Guerrero
Blanca Estela Buitrón1
1Investigador Titular, Instituto de Geología, UNAM
This paper constitutes the first systematic study of fossil echinoids from the State of Guerrero. It contains the description of three species, one of which (Stereocidaris fusiformis (Cotteau) is recorded for the first time in America and therefore in Mexico, since before, it was known only from Europa. The second species (Pedinopsis meridanensis Colleau) is described also for the first time in Mexico; it is found in the Neocomian of France and the Cenomanian of the United States of America. The third species (Hemiaster cf. H. jacksoni Maury) is compared with another one present in Texas, Chihuahua and Coahuila. The echinoids are associated with a rich fauna of mollusks, ostracods and foraminifers. They were found in the Cuautla Formation, of late Cenomanian-Turonian age, and are compared with Late Cretaceous species from Brasil, France, Texas and northern region of Mexico.