Análisis granulométrico de los sedimentos superficiales de la boca de Puerto Real, en La Laguna de Términos, Estado de Campeche*

Óscar Hugo Jiménez Salas**

*Tesis Profesional, Escuela Superior de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, E. S. I. A. Instituto Politécnico Nacional.
**Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Av. Cien Metros Núm. 152, México 14, D. F.


This study was made at the Puerto Real Inlet exactly in the point where the Gulf of Mexico and the eastern portion of Laguna de Términos, at the State of Campeche meet. This inlet or entrance is characterized by a flood-tidal delta around its lagoonal portion, which is the morphologic feature developed during predominant flood·current movement into Laguna de Ténninos. Sediments, with different grain·size, have been in keeping with the hydrodinamic action produced at Puerto Real Inlet, mainly during flood and ebb tides. The collected bottom sediment samples, were a representative "population" which constitutes that mixed sedimentary environment. These Recent unconsolidated sediments are composed mainly by coarse grained size of molluscs fragments from the Gulf of Mexico, and finer particles that generally proceed from the lagoonal area. Based on grainsize, the Graphbic Mean (Mz), Inclusive Graphic Skewness (Sk1), Graphic Kurtosis (KG) and, inclusive Graphic Standar Deviation or sorting (σ1) were obtained. From the aforenamed statistical parameters it was possible to observe that the "population" which constitutes that depositional environment, responds with a particular morphologic development to the oceanographical and meteorological factors that control the type of sedimentation. Also, three "subpopulations" were detennined; each one pertains to the extemal, middle and inner portion of the inlet. Therefore, they were related to erosion and deposition areas that allow to know the bathimetric features of the inlet and its coasts. Surficial of bottom distribution of the sediment is concordant with flood-tidal delta morphology. The results indicate that it is necessary to consider, more seriously, the study of Recent sedimentary environments, mainly coastal, in relation to atmospherical and hydrodynamical factors, and processes such as erosion, deposition and genesis that control them; moreover its constituents and its dynarnic morphologic development. In tbis manner, such data will become useful in the interpretation of paleoenvironments.