Provincias carbogénicas de México
Juan Manuel García Cuevas
*Superintendencia de Estudios Zona Norte, C.F.E.
In the formation of a coal deposit, there are many factors involved. The equllbrated combination of all them is resumed by the next events.
Vegetation development, acumulation of the organic material, conservation and thermal evolution.
In front of the reality, some regions that present the conjunction of the factors above mentioned, do not have a great coal potenclal resources. To explain this fact, in application of the Routhiers metallogenetic theory (1980) and with the definition of primary, and reveal metallotecta, in this paper, we try lo locate the economlc importance of coal deposits in México.
Tha carbogenlc provinces of Mexico are the regional continuation of those observed in Canada and U.S.A. There, It is possible to observed zonification (coking and vapor coal) and the vertical superposition, accordlng with the subsidence, coal evolution and age of sedlmentary basins and the local thermal evolution of coal due to the igneous activity and geothermal.
The more importants coal provinces in Mexlco are included in Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments, developed in constructive deltas where, to exception of the coal thermal evolution induced by anormal igneous or geothermal activity, the expected "rank" is of Llgnites or Sub-bituminous coals. The global potencial resources are limited.