Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana

Vol. 56, núm. 1, 2003, p. 99-105


La Estructura Conceptual Científico-Didáctica (ECCD) en profesores-investigadores geólogos

Rita Angulo-Villanueva

Escuela Regional de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, Ex-Hacienda de San Juan Bautista s/n, Taxco el Viejo, Gro., Apdo. Postal 74, 40 223
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The researchers teaching undergraduate geology carry out continuous modifications to the contents of their study programs. This activity is realized on the basis of empirical pedagogic knowledge and of scientific knowledge. These teacher-researchers have no pedagogic formation but they have a scientific formation, and they are active researchers. Their activity thus implies a combination of common sense pedagogic knowledge and scientific knowledge of the discipline they studied. I named this combination of knowledge as Didactic-Scientific Conceptual Structure (ECCD).

The ECCD is a thought manner used as parameter for the modification of educative contents by the teacher-researchers of a professiónal career. This thought manner is constituted by the knowledge and the relations between scientific knowledge, as well as by a set of pedagogic considerations to select, to organize and to teach them. The two main areas constituting the ECCD are the scientific and the pedagogic, which are product of two particular communities with specific purposes: the geological community and the educative university community. I assume that the ECCD is a social fact that is characteristic of a particular group, in this case, the teacher-researchers in Geology. The ECCD is of mental nature and it is considered as a representation, in the sense that "to represent is to make present [something] in the mind, in the conscience" by means of signs or symbols. The ECCD produces and allows a certain focus on its surroundings, and is also a model of scientific didactical knowledge, hierarchically organized, context-dependent, and fundamentally of collective character.

The scientific knowledge of ECCD, its conceptualization, and its exposure to the educational community will facilitate the constant modification of contents. This modification will provide the conditions to maintain updated university curricula in accordance with the accelerated economic, social, and productive changes.

Keywords: geology, undergraduate, pedagogy, conceptual structure, scientific, didactic.