Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana

Volumen 66, núm. 1, 2014, p. 97-121

Síntesis de los trabajos paleobotánicos del Cretácico en México

Uxue Villanueva-Amadoz1,*, Laura Calvillo-Canadell2, Sergio Rafael Silvestre Cevallos-Ferriz2

1 Estación Regional del Noroeste (ERNO-UNAM), Instituto de Geología, 83000, Hermosillo, Sonora, México.
2 Departamento de Paleontología, Instituto de Geología, UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria, Coyoacán 04510, México, D.F., México.

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New investigations of Cretaceous floristic assemblages in Mexico reveal a more complete picture of the flora at that time and its evolution up to the present. The scarce continental paleobotanical studies for the Early Cretaceous remain unpublished and are restricted to macroflora studies in Colima, Oaxaca and Puebla, citations of leaf impressions in Chihuahua and Sonora and palynological works in the states of Baja California, Durango and Michoacan. The reason for the paucity of data for this period is mainly due to the fact that at this time most of Mexico remained submerged. In contrast, palynological studies focused on the Late Cretaceous are more numerous and are mainly centered on the Olmos Formation (Coahuila) and, to a lesser extent, there are studies from the Cerro del Pueblo (Coahuila), El Gallo (Baja California), Sierra Madre (Chiapas), and Tarahumara (Sonora) formations, the Cabullona Group (Sonora) and other isolated unpublished works. New contributions to the Cretaceous of Mexico are provided, mainly by Cenomanian macroflora from the locality of El Chango (Chiapas) and new macro- and microflora records from Esqueda in Cabullona Basin (Sonora).

Keywords: Paleobotany, paleopalynology, Cretaceous, Mexico.