Vol 63, Núm. 2, 2011, P. 285-311.

Secuencias estratigráficas del Berriasiano–Aptiano en la Cuenca de Sabinas: su significado en el entendimiento de la evolución geológica del noreste mexicano

Berriasian–Aptian stratigraphic sequences in the Sabinas Basin: its meaning in the understanding of the geological evolution of Northeastern Mexico

Samuel Eguiluz de Antuñano

Geólogo consultor. 197 Slade Lane, Manchester, M19 2AE, Reino Unido.
Dirección actual: Coordinación de vinculación, Instituto de Geología, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510 Coyoacán, México, D.F.

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Berriasian–Aptian stratigraphic sections of the Sabinas Basin, northeastMéxico, show three major unconformities as second order sequence boundaries. Every sequence includes transgressive–regressive tracts and a máximum flooding zone. From the Chihuahua Basin to the Tampico Basin there are transgressive–regressive tracts placed at the same age and stratigraphic level, which are correlative to the Sabinas sections. The previous sequence boundaries may have a subordinate tectonic component, but sequence analysis indicates that these sequences are due to variations mostly linked to eustatic changes in sea level globally, as mentioned by other authors.

Keywords: stratigraphic sequences, Lower Cretaceous, Sabinas Basin, Mexico.