Vol 63, Núm. 2, 2011, P. 271-284.

Rasgos tectónicos de la Cuenca de La Popa y de las estructuras que la rodean en el noreste de México derivados de campos geofísicos potenciales

Tectonic traits of the La Popa Basin and the neighboring structures, NE Mexico,after potential geophysic fields

 Antonio Tamez Ponce1,*, Vsevolod Yutsis2, Konstantin Krivosheya2,Edilberto Román Hernández Flores3, Andrey A. Bulychev4 y Antonio Tamez Vargas5

1 Posgrado en Ciencias Geológicas, Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Carretera a Cerro Prieto km 8, Ex–Hacienda de Guadalupe, 67000 Linares, Nuevo León, México.
2 Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Carretera a Cerro Prieto km 8, Ex–Hacienda de Guadalupe, 67000 Linares, Nuevo León, México.
3 PEMEX PEP, Región Norte, Interior del Campo Pemex, Edificio principal, 93300 Poza Rica, Veracruz, México.
4 Facultad de Geología, Universidad Estatal de Moscú, Lomonósov, Vorobióvy Gory, 141400 Moscú, Rusia.
5 Instituto Tecnológico de Linares, Carretera Nacional km 157, 67700 Linares, Nuevo León, México.

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In this work, the integral analysis of gravity and aeromagnetic data in the La Popa Basin and the adjacent geologic structures is presented. The analysis was complemented with a Digital Model of Elevations that, combined with the review of previous geological studies, served to compare the surface structures and basement blocks in the study area. The most important tectonic blocks were distinguished and finally two 2.5D geological–geophysical models were developed. These models represent in a general way the most important structural characteristics of the northeast of Mexico.

Keywords: Bouguer anomaly, magnetic anomaly, Jurassic evaporites, geological–geophysical model, northeast of Mexico, La Popa Basin.