Vol 63, Núm. 1, 2011, P. 71-82.

Visualizador Web de información cartográfica de amenazas naturales

Web visualizer of geographic information of natural hazards

María Milagros Campos Vargas1,*, Alejandra Toscana Aparicio2, José Francisco Monroy Gaytán1, Héctor Alonso Reyes López3

1 Facultad de Geografía, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, 50110, Estado de México.
2 Departamento de Política y Cultura, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Xochimilco, México, 04960, D.F.
3 Universidad Intercultural del Estado de México, San Felipe del Progreso, 50640, Estado de México

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During recent decades, academic and bureaucratic entities have made significant efforts to reduce natural hazards and disasters. Some of these efforts have focused on the dynamics of disruptive events, in reducing the vulnerability of society, and others have focused on the development of technological tools to facilitate the implementation of public policies and making decisions in government agencies in the event of an emergency. Because the disturbing phenomena, the vulnerability, the risks and the disasters have a strong spatial dimension, the development of geotechnologies and communications opens possibilities for improving the territory administration.

This article focuses on the development of a geo–informatics application that allows the visualization of spatial data distributed over the Internet in a GIS environment of Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Feature Service (WFS), which is physically based in a server machine that contains a series of web service programs. This system is responsible for hosting the site and providing information related to natural hazards, receiving user requests and passing them to the Internet GIS server (Geographic Information Systems), generally by means of an extension of the HTTP server. The server delivers all data produced in conjunction with the user's Web browser over the Internet, trough a viewer posted on a Web portal that provides accesses, distribution and interaction with local digital maps (1:50000), as well as the analysis of scenarios construction and predictive models with geographically referenced databases. The system deals satisfactorily with requirements for safety, administration and maintenance, and is powered by a compilation of base cartography and thematic maps related to the physical environment and natural threats in the State of Mexico. This article aims to show how a web mapping viewer can be implemented, in this case as a tool to support the study of natural hazards in the State of Mexico, which at a given moment could be useful to design or implement hazard prevention policies resulting from the impact of natural phenomena, with the potential to be useful in other matters relating to land management.

Keywords: Natural hazards, GIS, Web Map Services, Web Feature Services, Systems Database Managers.