Vol 61, Núm.. 1, 2006, P. 25-30

Geoquímica sedimentaria en áreas de pesca de arrastre y no arrastre de fondo en la costa de Sinaloa–Sonora, Golfo de California

 Geochemistry of sediments in areas affected and unaffected by dredge fishing by the Sonora–Sinaloa coast, Gulf of California

 Alberto Sánchez1 *, Sergio Aguíñiga1,2, Daniel Lluch–Belda1, Jaime Camalich–Carpizo1, Pablo Del Monte–Luna1, Germán Ponce–Díaz1 y Francisco Arreguín–Sánchez1

 1 Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Baja California Sur, México. Apartado Postal # 592, La Paz, Baja California Sur, México.
2 Becario COFAA–IPN.

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The geochemical and sedimentological studies conducted to assess the impact of bottom trawling in Mexico, are virtually absent. In this research are contrasted trawling and not–trawling sites of shrimp fishing in the coast of Sinaloa–Sonora. The analysis of grain–size indicated statistically significant differences between trawling and not–trawling sites. Unexpectedly, the geochemical variables (calcium carbonate, carbon and organic nitrogen, the ratio C/N and the stables isotopes of carbon and nitrogen) in both areas (pristine and impacted) were not statistically different. Our data suggest that the transport of materials and energy regulated, in both areas, biogeochemical processes that determine the ranges of these variables and that make them not statistically different. In fact, the ecosystem under the effect of bottom trawling in the coast of Sinaloa–Sonora is able to absorb this impact.

Keywords: Bottom trawling, Geochemistry, C/N ratio, stables isotopes of C and N, Gulf of California.