Mapping Seismic Site Classes in Monterrey Metropolitan Area, northeast Mexico
Cartografía de la clasificación sísmica de sitio en el área metropolitana de Monterrey, noreste de México
Juan C. Montalvo–Arrieta1,*, Patricia Cavazos–Tovar1, Ignacio Navarro de León1, Efraín Alva–Niño1, Francisco Medina–Barrera1
1 Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra, UANL, Ex–Hacienda de Guadalupe, Apartado Postal 104, Linares N. L. 67700, México.
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A first microzonation map of seismic site class distribution in Monterrey Metropolitan area is presented. This was prepared using borehole information, seismic refraction profiling and surficial geology. According to geotechnical site categories proposed by Rodriguez–Marek et al. (2001) and NEHRP soil classification (VS30), C, C1–C2 sites classes are located to the south and central of the study area. In the northwest zone, B site classes are dominant. Lowest S–wave velocity (average of 268 m/s) correspond to silts, whereas highest velocities (average 2311 m/s) are related to Cretaceous limestones. Maximum thicknesses (16 to 20 m) of the soft sediments C–C2 classes are located at the center area being correlated to two paleo–channels. This study provides an initial attempt to understand and characterize the seismic site classes in the study area.
Key words: seismic P–wave velocities, seismic S–wave velocities, borehole data, seismic microzonation, seismic refraction profiles.